Course Catalog

Six Sigma Green Belt: Kano Analysis Specialist (Accredited)


This Kano Analysis Specialist course is accredited by the internationally recognized Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Certification Service (Provider No: 14627, Certificate No: A029014-09).

The AIGPE™ Certified Kano Analysis Specialist demonstrates the hands-on expertise to systematically identify and prioritize customer requirements using the Kano Analysis. They are experts at constructing the Kano Analysis. They specialize in exploring their customer's stated and latent needs. They acquire a knack to focus only on those requirements that are important to your customers.

Each certification candidate must

  1. Go through the AIGPE™ Kano Analysis Specialist Certification Training and
  2. Pass an examination that consists of multiple-choice questions that measure comprehension of the Body of Knowledge.

With increasing competition and constantly changing customer requirements, it has become exceedingly important to learn the art and science of prioritizing the most important needs and requirements of your customers. Kano Analysis is a unique tool that has a structured approach to understand these customer requirements, translates those needs/requirements into specific categories and prioritizes them.  

This tool is extensively used by Six Sigma Green Belts and Black Belts in their Lean Six Sigma projects. The Kano Analysis is most effective in the Define Phase of any Six Sigma Green Belt or a Six Sigma Black Belt project. In the Define Phase, the Green Belt or the Black Belt looks for pain areas of the business process. When Kano Analysis is used, it helps understand customer requirements and provides a laser sharp focus on only those requirements that your customer's care about. This tool can also be used as a standalone tool that is independent of a Six Sigma project.

If You want to THRIVE in Today's Competitive Environment, You must Make Your Customers Your Raving Fans. This is only possible when You Focus and Deliver exactly What Your Customer Wants. Kano Analysis is the Only Tool that helps You Identify What Your Customers Exactly Want.

In this course, you will learn:

  • What is Kano Analysis?
  • What are the different types of Customer Requirements?
  • How to build the Kano Analysis Grid?
  • How to create and administer the Kano Questionnaire?
  • How to use the Kano Evaluation Table?
  • How to Systematically Prioritize the Identified Requirements?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the Kano Analysis?

The Course is designed to teach you how to construct the Kano Analysis in 7 Easy Steps. It also provides a working case study that evolves at each step of your journey in this course. The course aims to provide you an immersive training experience that not only teaches you the theoretical concepts but also helps you learn to apply them in real-world scenarios. 

What are you waiting for? Enroll today, become a Kano Analysis Specialist and turn your Customers into Your Raving Fans for a life-time. 

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