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201 メール通知を管理しましょう - JA
メールは何かあったときに知らせるのに役立ちますが、すべての変更内容について知る必要はないかもしれません。 一部のメール通知をオフにできますか?それとも全部をオフ/オンにしかできませんか?気が変わって、後でメールが必要になった場合はどうするのですか?メール以外のどこかで通知を受けることはできますか?Wrikeでメール設定を細かく調整しましょう。

Delivery Methods: On-Demand

0.25 PDUs
Talent Triangle
Ways of Working 0.25 Power Skills 0.00 Business Acumen 0.00


201 Controle suas notificações por e-mail - PT-BR
Os e-mails podem ser úteis para deixar você por dentro de tudo o que aconteceu, mas talvez você não precise ficar sabendo de cada pequena mudança. É possível desativar algumas notificações de e-mail ou será que só é possível receber tudo ou não receber nada? O que acontece se você mudar de ideia e quiser os e-mails depois? É possível receber notificações em algum outro local que não o e-mail? Vamos ajustar cada detalhe das suas configurações de e-mail do Wrike.

Delivery Methods: On-Demand

0.25 PDUs
Talent Triangle
Ways of Working 0.25 Power Skills 0.00 Business Acumen 0.00


203 Einen Persönlichen Space nutzen - DE
In Ihrem Wrike Account gibt es einen Space, der speziell für Arbeiten vorgesehen ist, die Sie privat halten möchten. Er kann dazu verwendet werden, Ideen zu notieren und alle nicht-teambezogenen Aufgaben zu speichern, an denen Sie gerade arbeiten. In diesem Kurs behandeln wir, wie Sie den Persönlichen Space von Wrike optimal nutzen können.

Delivery Methods: On-Demand

0.25 PDUs
Talent Triangle
Ways of Working 0.25 Power Skills 0.00 Business Acumen 0.00

PMI Phoenix Chapter

Wrike for Project Management - Panel Discussion
This session will feature several project managers who use Wrike to manage their projects, engage with stakeholders, capture data, manage workflows and approvals, and deliver a quality product to customers.

Delivery Methods: On-Demand

1.00 PDU
Talent Triangle
Ways of Working 1.00 Power Skills 0.00 Business Acumen 0.00


Consistent Delivery with Your Customers Every Time: Unpacking Essential Components
Unpacking Essential Components", where we'll explore the critical elements necessary for ensuring consistent and exceptional delivery to your customers. This session will focus on leveraging key functionalities in Wrike, including Custom Item Types, Request Forms, and Custom Fields, to streamline processes and elevate customer satisfaction.

Delivery Methods: On-Demand

0.75 PDUs
Talent Triangle
Ways of Working 0.75 Power Skills 0.00 Business Acumen 0.00


101 Willkommen bei Wrike - DE
Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie steigen in einen Lamborghini und haben keinen Führerschein. So ähnlich fühlt es sich an, wenn man erstmalig in Wrike arbeitet. Es stehen so viele Tools und Funktionen zur Verfügung, aber Sie wissen nicht, wann man, welche benutzen soll. Sie fragen sich vielleicht: Was mache ich hier eigentlich? Wie fange ich an? Werde ich etwas vermasseln, wenn ich auf diese Schaltfläche klicke? Beginnen Sie hier Ihre Reise zum Wrike-Profi.

Delivery Methods: On-Demand

0.25 PDUs
Talent Triangle
Ways of Working 0.25 Power Skills 0.00 Business Acumen 0.00


101 Bienvenido a Wrike - ES
Imagina que te subes a un Lamborghini y no sabes conducir. Esto es más o menos lo que se siente al trabajar en Wrike por primera vez. Tienes todas esas herramientas y funciones al alcance de la mano, pero no sabes cuándo utilizar cada una. Seguramente, te preguntarás: ¿qué hago con esto? ¿cómo empiezo? ¿estropearé algo si pulso este botón? Aquí comienza tu viaje hacia el control de Wrike.

Delivery Methods: On-Demand

0.25 PDUs
Talent Triangle
Ways of Working 0.25 Power Skills 0.00 Business Acumen 0.00


101 Bienvenue dans Wrike - FR
Imaginez-vous au volant d'une Lamborghini, mais sans permis de conduire. C'est un peu l'impression que vous aurez lorsque vous travaillerez dans Wrike pour la première fois. Vous avez tous ces outils et fonctionnalités à votre portée, mais vous ne savez pas à quel moment les utiliser. Vous vous demanderez peut-être : « Qu'est-ce que je fais là ? », « Par où commencer ? » ou « Est-ce que je vais faire une bêtise si je clique sur ce bouton ? » Vous êtes au bon endroit pour parfaire votre maîtrise de Wrike.

Delivery Methods: On-Demand

0.25 PDUs
Talent Triangle
Ways of Working 0.25 Power Skills 0.00 Business Acumen 0.00


101 Benvenuto a Wrike - IT
Immagina di essere in una Lamborghini e di non saper guidare. È così che ci si sente quando si lavora per la prima volta con Wrike. Hai tutti gli strumenti e le funzionalità a portata di mano ma non sai come usarli. Potresti chiederti: cosa sto facendo qui? Come inizio? Perderò qualcosa se faccio clic su questo pulsante? Il tuo viaggio per dominare Wrike inizia qui.

Delivery Methods: On-Demand

0.25 PDUs
Talent Triangle
Ways of Working 0.25 Power Skills 0.00 Business Acumen 0.00


Next-Gen Analytics

Who should attend? 

Clients who are interested in creating insightful Dashboards for monitoring and reporting, and learning about the latest releases.

Training Prerequisites

Attendees to this session should have: Business, Enterprise, or Pinnacle subscription. Note: some of the demonstrated features are available only on Pinnacle subscription.

Why attend this training? 

Data is powerful and your Wrike account has tons of it. With our New Gen Dashboards, you can monitor and report on your Wrike data from multiple perspectives, tailoring it to your needs. Whether it's an individual-, manager-, or executive-level dashboard, it will provide the necessary insights to help you make powerful decisions. 


Delivery Methods: On-Demand, Live Streaming

2.00 PDUs
Talent Triangle
Ways of Working 1.00 Power Skills 0.50 Business Acumen 0.50
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